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19 Rue Daru
Paris, Île-de-France, 75008

+33 7 85 18 45 65

Paris Photographer - Professional photographer for engagement, elopement, proposal, honeymoon, pre-wedding, vow renewal, anniversary, family, quinceañera and romantic photoshoot in the City of Lights.

Fotógrafo brasileiro em Paris - sessões fotográficas de noivado, casamento, lua de mel, renovação de votos, trash the dress, família e  comemoração quinze anos na Cidade Luz.


Photoshoot Packages

Choose one of my ready to go photography packages, or create your own personalized photo session in Paris. 


Hello!! I’m Chris.

I love Paris and I'm sure you’re going to fall in love too. This city inspires every couple that comes here, and it’s my aim to make your days here even more memorable. 

What do I propose? A special day, in which you and your beloved will be photographed against the charming backdrop of the City of Lights.

And what do I deliver? The excellence in images.

The Paris photographer you were looking for.


You can choose any one of my ‘ready to go’ packages, or create your own personalized session. Take a look and see which one is the best fit for you.

Packages photos in Paris; Photoshoot in Paris; Paris for Two;
Paris photographer proposal engagement shoes and Eiffel tower

a few Things I think you want to know:

  • In 2025 we’ll celebrate 11 years creating memorable moments and stunning pictures.

  • It’s possible to completely customize the photo session and add more edited pictures to your package.

  • The locations we'll shoot will be defined according to your wishes and my suggestions. As well as the most famous sites, I know some very charming places I think you’ll love.

  • I know amazing spots to suggest for proposals

  • We'll agree a meeting point for the day, based on the first location.

Paris photographer Christian Perona kissing sunrise Eiffel tower
  • Any future change in your booking is very easy to do, just tell me your needs by e-mail, Whatsapp or phone.

  • The pictures to be edited will be selected by you. The next day of our photoshoot I’ll send you a link where you’ll be able to make your selection.

  • The images will be delivered in high-resolution and ready for download within 15 days after your photoshoot, through an online gallery. You'll be able to download, share, print and create photo albums. For proposals and other special occasions I'll send you 3 edited images the next day, so you can share the great news with friends and family.

Paris photographer Christian Perona blue hour Bir-Hakeim Eiffel tower couple kissing love

Any questions? Take a look at our FAQ or contact me.
I'll be glad to help.